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SX3000: l'hardware indispensabile per il modulo RCM3700

Publication Date: 26-04-2004 | Versione Italiana  | English Version
Tags: - Rabbit - Rabbit Serie 3000 - Schede Area SX -

The SX3000 board is a multi-pourpose hardware: it can be used as an experimental board, as a project base, as a complete product. Based on RCM3700, the best price-performances module of Rabbit Semiconductors. A wide range of hardware peripherals (among them two analog inputs) and a great expansion capability are the mail carachetristics of this hardware.

Main features

The RCM3700 at present is the more interesting module produced by Rabbit Semiconductor because of the good price/performances ratio. The SX3000 board has been projected to let you develop your applications with this module without the need to build anything. In fact it features a wide range of peripherals that can fullfill the needs both of a simple project and of complex systems.

Here you can view a block diagram of the board:

The hardware features:
  • 2 RS232 serial ports with flow control lines
  • 1 RS485 serial port
  • 2 analog inputs (8 bit resolution)
  • Ethernet connector (on RCM3700 module)
  • 3 leds
  • 1 button
  • 5 expander slots
  • host for a serial to USB converter
  • Switching power supply from 7 to 15V CA or CC
The development boards are often very simple; the SX3000 has been projected with attention to details that makes it perfect to be enclosed in a case to build final products:
  • The power connector is suitable for a wall cube commercial power supply
  • The power switch is realized with an elegant micro switch
  • One of two serial lines is ready for a panel connector
  • All external connectors (RS232, RS485, Ethernet port, USB port, power connector, main switch, analog inputs) are placed at board edgesT
  • The mechanical dimension are standard (2/3 Eurocard 100mmx100mm) to make easy to find a suitable case
The component topology can be viewed below:

Hardware details

RS232 Serial ports

The board hosts two RS232 serial ports that can be configured in several ways.
The serial A is tied to a 9 pin male connector. In the default configuration the connector has Rx, TX, CD and DTR signals with the possibility to connect also the other RS232 signals.

The serial B is tied to a 10 pin male connector to let you connect, with a flat cable, a panel connector. Even on this serial lines are availables TX, RX, CD and DTR signals

Serial to USB converter

The U3 slot of the board can hosts a DLP-USB232M serial to USB converter (optional); for more informations you can read this article: DLP-USB232M Convertitore USB Seriale. In this way you can connect your SX3000 board to a PC USB port.

RS485 serial port

The RS485 serial port is available on JP11 connector. It is an half duplex line, with a TX led and it can be configured with pull-down, pull-up and balancing resistors.

Analog inputs

The analog inputs are a very interesting feature of this board because none of RCM core modules of Rabbit Semiconductor features this kind of peripheral. On the board is available an A/D converter with 8 bit resolution and two measure channels (on connectors JP9 and JP10): this channels can be configured as single ended channels or differential channels.
In the first mode the input signal (from 0 to 5V) is measured in an independent way; in the second mode we will measure the difference from channel 1 and channels.

Expander slots

The board has also 5 expander connectors with 5+5 pins each. on this connectors are available all RCM3700 signals to let you develop your own expanders. Each connectors has also one power supply pin (5V) and one ground pin.

Other hardware

On the board area available also a switch button and three leds general pourpose.

Related downloads

For SX3000 you can download:

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Tags: - Rabbit - Rabbit Serie 3000 - Schede Area SX -

Publication Date: 26-04-2004Hits: 68149
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