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Load and power control with the new version of SX13 Dimmer

Publication Date: 21-12-2006 | Versione Italiana  | English Version
Tags: - Dimmer - Domotica - Schede Area SX -

New version of Dimmer SX13 board, that is described in this article, is the easy and flexible solution to control single lamps brightness or more complex lighting systems. Using five different control modes (button, analog voltage, RS232 serial port, TTL serial port and wireless serial port), this dimmer fits every need. The chance to place the dimmer inside a DIN rail closed plastic case, makes it easy mountable in any ordinary electric panel.

SX13 board

SX13 Version Rel.1.1

The renewed version of SX13 dimmer described in this article, is completely compliant with the previous one (Multifunctions dimmer), and shares with it several features; moreover it has also new and interesting features that allow further uses and integrations.


SX13 board, designed and manufactured by Area SX, allows to control the power to supply to an electric load at 220V, using an external signal. The most common application for this kind of equipments, usually known as dimmer, is to regulate incandescence lamps brightness.
The external control signal, used to set load power level, may operate in several ways, for example through ordinary buttons for home lights switching or through a variable voltage controlled by a regulator.
In this case, SX13 board has been intended to be very flexible: in fact it is possible to perform the control through a button, through an analog voltage but also through a PC RS232 serial port, a microcontroller TTL serial port and also a RF wireless serial port. This feature, together with the chance of connecting up to 32 dimmers on the same serial bus, makes possible very interesting automatic control realizations. Among these, for example, lighting effects for display windows, party or show events, interactive atmosphere lighting, day-night cycle simulation for modellism, etc.

General features

SX13 board blocks diagram
SX13 board blocks diagram

As you can see in the block diagrams, SX13 board is formed by two clearly distinguished sections: the low voltage section, with 5V power supply, and the high voltage section, directly connected to 220V power supply.
The two sections are electrically divided by optoinsulator: this solution allows to avoid both eventual damage for control equipments (microprocessor or PC) connected to the board, and also hazardous electric shock for accidentally touching control signals pins (e.g. with a button) on JP1 connector.

An other important feature of this dimmer is a very effective anti buzz filter, that avoids to spread on the power network rumours and disturbs.
Low power section is controlled by a PIC12F675 that manages control signals and the effective regulation of the load power.

Power control modes

Five signal control modes are available for dimmer SX13:

  • Normally opened switch: this mode is useful for those systems needing human interaction for load power supply. This mode allows 30 different brightness levels.
    This button mode control is compliant with serial line control, allowing this way mixed controls.
  • Variable analog voltage from 0V to 10V: this kind of interface is the standard of many commercial dimmers, so connection to existing systems is also available.
  • TTL level serial port (0-5V): this mode uses just one serial line (only TX) as power control. Using only TX signal allows to mount the board in a "multidrop" way, in other words sharing the same line with other dimmers. So it is possible to connect several boards "in series" (so several independently controlled lamps) to realize completely automatic atmosphere lighting effects. Moreover TTL level signals allow straight connection to any microcontroller, with no need of voltage level adapter.
  • RS232 Serial port: has the same features of the TTL serial control, but it uses RS232 standard voltage levels allowing a straight connection to a PC serial port.
  • Wireless 433MHz serial port: it has the same features of the previous serial standard control, but it uses a RF converter ER400TRS to send and receive data. So this mode allows also to place the dimmer far away from the control unit, without any need of complex wiring.

Complex systems realization using dimmers series connection

SX13 boards
SX13 boards in series

The most interesting interfacing mode is surely the serial one, ideal for SX13 board connection to a microprocessor (Rabbit, Basicx, PIC) or to a PC.

As already said, serial port uses only the transmission line TX for board control: this allows to connect up to 32 SX13 boards on the same serial line.
Each board may be identified by an address; this address is assigned to the board through the serial line and it is stored on the PIC Flash memory (so it is not lost when power supply is turned off). When a command for load power supply control is sent, you need to specify also the destination board address; then the command will be executed only by the board with that address.
This way it is possible realize group of boards, with the same address, that execute simultaneously the same command.
Moreover a "broadcast" address is available, so to address all the boards: it is useful to send commands to the whole system under control.

Electric connection

Click to enlarge

On the board there are several connector for electric connection:

Power supply for dimmer low voltage section may be provided i different ways.
  • Straight from the 5+5 pins control connector
  • From the external screw clip where AC or DC voltage may be used in the range of 9-15V
  • Using RS232 control mode, it is possible to feed the dimmer straight from the serial port, through flow control. In order to make this power mode works, the used serial port must be compliant to RS232 standard

The dimmer may be placed in a 3 modules DIN rail case, to be easily installed in an electric panel. The plastic case completely insulates the 220V voltage section, leaving free just the two connectors for electric line and load.

The dimmer in its case
Sx13 dimmer SX13 in its case

In the following picture you can see a 2 dimmers system connected to serial-USB converter (see also DLP-USB232M Convertitore USB Seriale for further information about the converter) to control them straight from the PC USB port.

SX13 connected to Serial/USB converter
Two dimmers connected to the Serial/USB DLP-USB232M converter

Available versions and case boxes

The dimmer board is provided by Area SX in three versions: SX13A version, that allows control through button and serial (TTL and RS232), and SX13B version, that allows control through analog voltage and new SX13C version that allows control through wireless serial port. SX13A version may be changed at any time, even in a later stage, into SX13C version simply adding ER400TRS converter (Radio ricetrasmettitore con BasicX-24 e modulo ER400TRS). The difference between the two versions is simply the firmware of the PIC on board, so it is also possible to order one more PIC with the other control firmware.

L'inscatolamento del dispositivo, oltre al gi� citato contenitore a barra DIN da 3 moduli, pu� avvenire anche in contenitori pi� grandi in grado di ospitare pi� di un dimmer.
In particolare il contenitore plastico da 9 moduli presente nel nostro listino pu� ospitare 3 dimmer affiancati.

Backward compatibility with previous version

New dimmer SX13 is perfectly compatible with the previous version on a functions point of view. The only difference is the different baud rate of serial port that passes from the previous 4800 bps to the actual 19200 bps. If you need a full compatible version with 4800 bps communication, please specify it on the order.

Documentations and examples

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Tags: - Dimmer - Domotica - Schede Area SX -

Publication Date: 21-12-2006Hits: 69820
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In this section you can buy directly the products described in this article
All prices are indicated in Euros without shipping costs and VAT (where applicable). The prices are for single unit.
DescriptionCodeUnit Price
Read more info on this productExtra PIC for SX13 dimmer
This PIC is sold with SX13A or SX13B dimmers.
With this extra PIC you will be able to convert an SX13A dimmer into an SX13B dimmer and vice versa.

Prodotto compliant RoHs
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Lamp dimming board to let you control loads upto 300W.
The power can be controlled with a N.O. button, from an RS232 serial line, a TTL serial line or a wireless serial line.
With a single serial line you can control up to 32 dimmers with single board or group addressing.
Can be controlled also with a 433MHz wireless serial line (requires ER400TRS converter)
Can be enclosed in standard 3 modules DIN Rail mounted box.

Prodotto compliant RoHs
SX13A€ 58.00
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Read more info on this productSerial radiofrequency ricetransmitter module
This module allows you to transmit serial data over a 433MHz radio frequency link, and it can cover distances up to 250m.
The module has also all the logic required to drive the radio channel codig, the errors and the data retransmissions.

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Plastic enclosure with DIN rail mounting, 3 module width.
It fit perfectly with FLEX series boards and with SX13 dimmer.

Compliance RoHS non necessaria per questo prodotto
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€ 6.90
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Serial DB9 female flat cable, suitable for use with Area SX boards.
It is built by a 10 ways (5+5) connector, a DB9 female D type connector and a flat 10 ways cable. Length: 40 cm.

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Dimmer board for load control up to 300W.
The load power is controlled with an analog signel between 0 and 10V.

Can be enclosed in a standard 3 modules DIN rail mounted box

Prodotto compliant RoHs
SX13B€ 59.00
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Dimmer board for load control up to 300W. Can be controlled via N.O. switch or via wireless serial line.
The serial to wireless converter ER400TRS is included.
Can be enclosed in a standard 3 modules DIN rail box.

Prodotto compliant RoHs
SX13C€ 96.00
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