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CSW-H80 a small size converter Wi-Fi <-> RS232

Publication Date: 30-01-2009 | Versione Italiana  | English Version
Tags: - Convertitori Seriali - Sollae - Wi-Fi -

In this article we present the new CSW-H80 device by Sollae that in only nine x five centimetres realizes a complete serial – WiFi converter.

The CSW-H80 by Sollae is a small size Serial <-> WiFi converter enclosed in a plastic box of only 93mm x 57mm x 24mm, equipped with wireless IEEE802.11b/g interface and 2dBi antenna.
The CSW-H80 converter is the ideal solution for controlling serial devices on the LAN or Internet with no need of wires or complicated cable infrastructure.
It is completely configurable by mean of the software utility called ezManager and it can be used on WiFi network in both modes Infrastructure or Ad-Hoc optionally protected by 64 or 128 WEP Key encryption.

Main techincal features

  • Power supply: 5V (±10%)
  • Consumption: 300mA
  • Dimensions: 93mm x 57mm x 24mm (without antenna)
  • Weight: 66g (without antenna)
  • Serial interface: Male DB9 Connector (Standard RS232)
  • Serial bit rate: 300bps ~ 230400bps (RTS/CTS Flow Control)
  • Wi-Fi interface: IEEE802.11b/g with female SMA connector
  • Communication modes: T2S (TCP Server Mode) COD (TCP Client Mode) ATC (TCP Server / Client) U2S (UDP)
  • Protocols: TCP, UDP, IP, ICMP, ARP, DHCP, PPPoE, DNS lookup, DDNS(Dynamic DNS), Telnet COM Port, WEP

Seriale Interface

The only serial interface equipping the CSW-H80 converter by Sollae is placed on a male DB9 connector (standard S232 connector) and is compliant with the electrical specifications RS232 (±12V).

PIN Signal Direction
1 DCD N.C.
2 RXD Input
3 TXD Output
4 DTR Output
5 GND -
6 DSR N.C.
7 RTS Output
8 CTS Input
9 RI N.C.

Configuration Software

The ezManager software, provided for free and downloadable in end section of this article, allows the configuration of all the parameters needed for the correct working. Among these we find, WiFi connection parameters, network LAN parameters, serial port settings and working mode (client/server).

For the first configuration of the CSW-H80 converter, of course you need to power it with a voltage of +5V DC. Then, with the help of a pen for example, press for few msec the "Function button" in the pin-hole placed on one side of the converter. Once entered in configuration mode, all the LEDs on the top panel of the CSW-H80 start blinking rapidly. Using a Null modem cable, see the following schematic,

connect the Sollae converter to the serial port (or by mean of a USB-Serial converter) of a Windows PC, then launch the ezManager program. On the user interface of this software utility, select the COM port where the CSW-H80 has been previously connected and the click on the button “Open” a then “Read”.
Once connected to the device and loaded the current configuration, then we can set all the needed parameters to fit our requirements in term of serial port, wifi LAN and so on. After setting completion, just click on the “Write” button to save the new configuration and then click on the “Close” button if you want to release the serial port.

Examples of use

Some possible examples of use on the field of the WiFi converters by Sollae could be:

  • Wireless remote communication of different sensors (e.g. electronic thermometers) and applications running on PC
  • Remote monitor system (e.g. medical systems in a health service)
  • Data transmission for information projection on displays (e.g. traffic signalling)
  • Remote data retrieving from Measuring and Regulation system by wireless notebook or PDA
  • Wireless realization of factory networks with connection to LAN and Internet
  • Security systems
  • Remote controlling of mobile equipments
  • Wireless communication and connection of measuring devices (multimeters, oscilloscopes and others) or portable devices
In the following diagrams, some connection examples based on the CSW-H80 converter are shown.


Download User Manual cswh80en_v12.pdf
Download Datasheet cswh80en-ds.pdf
Download Program zManager 2.0

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Tags: - Convertitori Seriali - Sollae - Wi-Fi -

Publication Date: 30-01-2009Hits: 58561
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Read more info on this productCSW-H85K Serial Converter RS232/RS485/RS422 - Wi-Fi
Convertitore da Seriale RS232/RS485/RS422 a Wi-Fi IEEE802.11b/g. Può essere utilizzato sia come Device Server che Client, quindi attendere connessioni TCP o instaurarle. Il CSW-H85K può operare si in modalità Ad-Hoc che in modalità Infrastructure e supporta i protocolli di criptazione WEP, WPA-PSK e WPA2-PSK. Può essere configurato sia da interfaccia Wi-Fi che da seriale tramite il programma ezManager. Completo di antenna a stilo.
  • Seriale: RS232/RS422/RS485 - da 300 bps a 230,400 bps
  • Telnet COM Port Control Option
  • Network Interface: IEEE802.11b/g wireless LAN
  • Antenna dipolo 2dBi (disponibile antenna alto guadagno)
  • Sicurezza: WEP, WPA-PSK(TKIP), WPA2-PSK(AES), IP & MAC filtering, Password
  • Firmware aggiornabile
  • Alimentazione: 5V
  • Consumo: 260mA
  • Dimensioni: 93mm x 57mm x 24mm (senza antenna)
  • Peso: 66g (senza antenna)


 This product has been replaced by: CSW-H85N Serial RS232/RS485/RS422 - WiFi Converter

Prodotto compliant RoHs
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Read more info on this productCSW-H85K Serial Converter RS232/RS485/RS422 - Wi-Fi with Wiring Adapter
Convertitore da Seriale RS232/RS485/RS422 a Wi-Fi IEEE802.11b/g. Può essere utilizzato sia come Device Server che Client, quindi attendere connessioni TCP o instaurarle. Il CSW-H85K può operare si in modalità Ad-Hoc che in modalità Infrastructure e supporta i protocolli di criptazione WEP, WPA-PSK e WPA2-PSK. Può essere configurato sia da interfaccia Wi-Fi che da seriale tramite il programma ezManager. Completo di antenna a stilo e Wiring Adapter.
  • Seriale: RS232/RS422/RS485 - da 300 bps a 230,400 bps
  • Telnet COM Port Control Option
  • Network Interface: IEEE802.11b/g wireless LAN
  • Antenna dipolo 2dBi (disponibile antenna alto guadagno)
  • Sicurezza: WEP, WPA-PSK(TKIP), WPA2-PSK(AES), IP & MAC filtering, Password
  • Firmware aggiornabile
  • Alimentazione: 5V
  • Consumo: 260mA
  • Dimensioni: 93mm x 57mm x 24mm (senza antenna)
  • Peso: 66g (senza antenna)


Prodotto compliant RoHs
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