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GSM 485 - The perfect hardware for remote control

Publication Date: 17-06-2015 | Versione Italiana  | English Version
Tags: - GPRS - GSM - Python - RS485 - Schede Area SX - SMS - Telecontrollo -

A cheap and extremely flexible gateway for GSM/GPRS remote control of devices and signals. It can be used in a wide range of scenarios: solar inverters monitoring, street displays updating, vending machines, pulse counters and all the situations that requires a remote access of your devices.

General description

The GSM485 is a compact hardware hosted in a 2 modules DIN rail mounting enabled enclosure.
The main features are two fast optocoupled inputs that can be used as pulse counter also, two open collector ouputs that can be configured as inputs, an RS485 to control external devices, two signaling leds and a quad-band GSM/GPRS modem that can be programmed iusing the Python language.

The onboard firmware allows an extreme flexibility and it grants a system that is perfectly fitted on your needs.

Hardware features

  • Power Supply 9-24V AC/CC
  • 2 optocoupled inputs (can also be used as pulse counter with backup memory)
  • 2 open collector outputs that can be configurared, in production stage, as additional inputs
  • RS485 serial line
  • Quad-band modem with external antenna
  • 2 signaling leds
  • 2 modules plastic enclosure with DIN rail mounting hook

Detailed description

The GSM485 has many interesting and flexible features in a very small case.
The two fast inputs are optocoupled and allows the connection of a wide range of devices. If used as pulse counters they add a plus feature: in case of power fail the reached counter is stored in a non volatile memory and it is not lost.
The open collector outputs supply an high current that allows the connection with external power relays; the outputs can be replaced also by two inputs to offer a total of 4 inputs on the module.
The quad-band modem has a SIM holder that can be accessed by opening the front panel, without the need to remove the cables from the module itself.

The external antenna allows for a better placement in case of locations with poor GSM signal.

The onboard Python 1.5 interpreter features 800 Kbytes of Flash memory and 1 Mbyte of RAM memory; even complex firmwares can be realized without problems.
The Python interpreter controls directly one out of two available leds; the led is a two color led to achieve a wide range of different device statuses that can be signaled.
The second led is directly controlled by the modem itself to indicate the registration and call status.

Device Expansion

The GSM485, using the RS485 feature, can control directly one or more EXP485 expansions (EXP485 Scheda di espansione I/O Modbus su RS485); the EXP485 can also supply the GSM485 power.
Each EXP485 board adds 8 digital inputs (also configurable as 0-10V analog inputs) and 8 relay outputs and in this way you can obtain a very large and complex systems.

Scenario Examples

The GSM485 can be adopted in a very wide range of situations, thanks to its onboard firmware flexibility.
Two examples are reported below:

Street display remote updating

In this case the GSM485 is linked to the display and drives the updates received via GPRS connection. It can also monitor local inputs such as power supply presence or intrusion detection.

Solar Panels monitor and remote control

In this scenario the GSM485 is linked via RS485 to the inverter and it get and analyze the electrical parameters. The parameters are transmitted to the remote server via GRPS connection to be viewed from a browser. Alarms and parameters out of range can be notified by the GSM485 via SMS; it can also receive SMS commands to activate its outputs or drive the inverter features.

Module usage and customization

The module is provided complete with electrical schematics and peripheral driving firmware examples. You can develop your own customized firmware, that must be written in Python language, or the development can be requested to Area SX.

Finally, in order to obtain a professionally looking product, it is possible to required a customized PVC adhesive for the frontal panel with your logo and graphics.
An example of a customized adhesive is show below:

More informations

You can contact Area SX to obtain more informations, to speech with our technicians and to get ready for your next project!

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Tags: - GPRS - GSM - Python - RS485 - Schede Area SX - SMS - Telecontrollo -

Publication Date: 17-06-2015Hits: 19874
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Read more info on this productGSM485 - Modulo GSM/GPRS programmabile da barra DIN
Il GSM485 è un modulo per il montaggio da barra DIN equipaggiato con un modem Telit 2G GSM/GPRS, con interfaccia RS485, 2 ingressi veloci, 2 uscite, programmabile in Python.
Principali caratteristiche tecniche
  • Alimentazione 9-24V AC/CC
  • 2 ingressi optoisolati utilizzabili anche come contaimpulsi con memorizzazione del conteggio in caso di mancanza di alimentazione
  • 2 uscite open collector configurabili, in fase di produzione, come ingressi aggiuntivi
  • Seriale RS485
  • Modem Telit quad-band programmabile in Python 1.5
  • 2 led di segnalazione
  • Contenitore plastico 2 moduli con aggancio da barra DIN

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